Probably every entrepreneur cares about maximizing profits and minimizing production costs. However, the problem is the implementation of this plan. How to accomplish this? It is worth considering the installation of vending machines in the company. We encourage you to see how the optimization of costs by vending machines will affect the work of the enterprise.

Health, safety and tool vending machines

Until recently vending machines were associated with distributing snacks or selling hot drinks. Today, such a belief is changing rapidly, especially in many workplaces. Industrial vending machines operate on a similar principle with a difference regarding the items to be distributed. The vending machines you will find in the offer of ASD Systems are used for distribution of health and safety items and more. With their help you can dispense:

  • work clothing and footwear,
  • protective gloves and masks,
  • earplugs,
  • safety glasses,
  • helmets,
  • tools,
  • supplies.

Vending machines facilitate the distribution of products without employees. Thanks to them, you can save on the need to hire additional warehousemen, and also have the consumption of individual resources under control. How is this possible? We explain below.

Cost optimization by automatic dispensing machines

Lower costs in the company with dispensing machines is one of the main reasons for the popularity of our systems. ASD Systems has been developing vending machines for many years to provide you with functionality. In practice, such an investment pays for itself quite quickly, because vending machines:

  • allow you to manage your company's resources more efficiently,
  • improve the efficiency of the plant,
  • eliminate the need to hire additional warehouse workers,
  • create automatic reports,
  • enable control of product consumption.

Controlling - decrease in consumption of health and safety products

A huge role in the functionality of our equipment is played by the IDS application, with which ASD Systems dispensing machines are equipped. Specialized software is responsible for the optimal distribution of health and safety articles here. We owe the ability to manage resources to the option of defining the availability of products, as well as their type and groups of employees. This reduces consumption by up to 50%.

The machine enables control of product consumption in the warehouse

The presented technology enables such facilities as cost optimization. Savings from the use of vending machines are primarily due to the fact that at each stage of the vending machine's operation it is possible to check the consumption of products. All you need is a device with Internet access to get information on the type and number of products distributed to company employees.

You can monitor the states of central warehouses in real time, and in addition, you can also set a certain number of health and safety items to which a particular employee is entitled, for example, due to the nature of the job. Once you have set notifications for the minimum number of products, vending machines will inform you of the need to replenish products.

This applies to both disposable personal protective equipment and expensive tools - the vending machine retains data on the employee who last retrieved the item. Thus, the device minimizes the likelihood of employee abuse, mistakes in the distribution of health and safety items and the simple loss of company equipment. Thus, such a solution will accurately track the use of health and safety materials and supplies at the workplace and reduce their consumption, which directly translates into a reduction in company expenses.

Vending machines and human labor

In the case of shift work, access to products is needed around the clock. Such a work cycle requires an additional person (or several) to dispense tools, supplies or health and safety products from central warehouses. The person managing the warehouse must therefore dispense the necessary items on an ongoing basis. The vending machine system eliminates this need. Each employee has independent access to products around the clock.

What's more, those working don't have to wait to pick up the needed tool. Vending machines can be set up anywhere in the plant (e.g., at specific workstations), and it takes tens of seconds to obtain resources or materials. Our equipment eliminates downtime, this time increasing the efficiency and profits of the company.

The need to use human labor also applies to accounting for product consumption. Instead of time-consuming creation of reports, you can rely on automatic information from vending machines. It is enough for the system manager to assign a price to specific products - withdrawals and consumption will be quickly accounted for, and the information - sent to the accounting or controlling department.

Vending machines - warehouse 4.0

Savings in industry is not only about optimizing labor costs, but also about proper space management. When employees from different parts of the plant do not have to go to the warehouse to get the necessary articles, the plant does not need to use additional rooms. Compact dimensions combined with surprising capacity make a few conveniently spaced vending machines successfully replace a full-sized warehouse. In addition, the personalization of the chamber size allows you to quickly adjust the size of the cache to the articles stored.


What can be distributed using vending machines?

The most common items are health and safety items and personal protective equipment, as well as tools and materials.

How do you optimize the cost of distributing health and safety items in your company?

Health and safety vending machines are self-service, allow control of product consumption by employees, and take up little space. In addition, vending machines create consumption reports for the controlling and accounting department.

What data can be obtained by using vending machines?

Among others, the consumption of items, the demand for a given product (usually on a monthly basis), the users of a given tool and the time of its use.

Product added to compare.