Transform your logistics operations with a dispensing machine!
Automatic dispensing machines from ASD Systems are becoming the definition of logistics! They stand out for their incredible capacity, adaptability to the products in the company and reliability in operation. One hundred percent inventory control, flawless demand forecasting and perfect product flow in your company - you can achieve this with our solutions.
What distinguishes a dispensing machine in the logistics sector?
Recorded life cycle of products in the company
Theautomatic dispensing machine for the logistics industry will keep your company in control of the product throughout. Make the item 100 percent utilized from start to finish!
Compact storage with record capacity
The vending machine holds as many as 1,080 products of various uses. What's more, they are available around the clock, and it only takes a dozen seconds to dispense the one you choose!
Flawless demand forecast
With our innovative device, you don't have to worry about the supplies you need. The automatic dispenser monitors the status of supplies around the clock, and in case of an impending shortage, it informs you that you need to stock up.
Elimination of lagging products
Optimizing warehouse operations with automated dispensing machines ensures that every product is used. Forget about overloading your warehouse!
Learn about the benefits of vending machine for logisticians!
Better planning - savings of up to 50%!
The devices allow you to estimate the ideal amount of products needed in your warehouse. Generate savings of up to 50% with our automatic dispensing machines.
Accurate warehouse data wherever you are
We have equipped thedispensing machines with our proprietary IDS application, which allows defining, generating and printing any reports.
Multipurpose storage for products with different uses
You will store articles of various uses in our dispensing machines . Let nothing limit you!
Durable and reliable design
Dispensing machines for logistics from ASD Systems are distinguished by their clever design. They are intuitive to operate and easy to service.
Simplifying the procurement organization
Gain constant access to current stock with vending machines.
Flawless dispensing
You can specify specific groups of downloadable products for each user profile, which eliminates the risk of issuing the wrong article.
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Hubert Wroblewski
+48 539 539 601
Technical Support / Helpdesk
+48 33 44 40 000