Dispensing machines – buying or renting? Which pays better?

Automatic dispensing machines for employee health and safety products, supplies, consumables and hygiene products can effectively organize and optimize inventory management and save up to 50% of procurement resources. And how much do dispensing machines cost? Purchase or rent a vending machine – which is more profitable? We suggest!

Why does a company need vending machines?

Inventory management is the Achilles’ heel of many plants and enterprises. When it is organized traditionally, there are usually a lot of problems. The warehouse is too big and takes up too much space, and all the products need to be kept under control. Thus, it takes a staff of employees-suppliers who keep reliable records of intakes. Often there are shortages. These even result in work stoppages, and that’s a gigantic cost and a hassle with deadlines. Without optimized dispensing, products are consumed too quickly and supplies consume a huge amount of money annually.

Vending machines are taking over the warehouse function. It’s an opportunity to supply employees with needed products unattended and around the clock. The vending machine doesn’t get sick, doesn’t take vacations, doesn’t need a salary. It accommodates everything needed in a small space and automatically records withdrawals, facilitating billing. Only one person is needed to manage the system, who – using the capabilities of the vending machine software – manages the dispensing so that the supply consumes the least costs, giving the greatest efficiency.

We offer such vending machines at ASD Systems – we have developed various models to suit individual needs. Machines can be purchased or rented (we work with companies that rent machines, and often the entire logistics service of the warehouse). And what is more profitable?

Automatic dispensing machines – purchase gives a quick return on investment

Modern automatic machines ASD Systems are created in several variants, which differ in construction, software capabilities and functions. For this reason, their prices are also different. The cost of the investment is best estimated on the basis of one product cell – it is only a few dozen zlotys. These cells can be dozens, hundreds or even more than a thousand. Buying one machine or several or a dozen machines (in the case of a large enterprise), we have a certain expense, but a one-time one. And from the first minute, the machine works for itself, giving savings on many levels.

On the one hand, with vending machines, consumption of products or equipment, and often materials, is reduced by up to 50%. Downloads are accounted for precisely, and this forces greater awareness of product use and care. Remote management of the entire process, for which only one person is needed, again means lower labor costs. Accurate record-keeping and constant availability of products means no downtime, and therefore little risk of gigantic financial losses and damage – including image damage, such as failure to meet a deadline.

Vending machines – rental allows you to test the possibilities cheaply

The cost of renting a vending machine to an enterprise varies. Companies that deal with such rental usually prepare several attractive packages to choose from for long-term rental. An additional advantage of the solution is often the opportunity to test the machines before deciding whether to rent or buy.

Renting vending machines certainly means a lower initial cost, i.e. no large one-time expense. Often this amount with a longer rental period and on a monthly basis we basically do not “feel”, and after the expiration of the contract we can buy machines on preferential terms. It is not uncommon for companies to also provide comprehensive support for warehouse processes, which is convenient and practical.

How to supply the company with dispensing machines: purchase, rental?

The choice between purchasing and renting vending machines is largely an individual issue. Both solutions are beneficial and ultimately give the company financial savings. If you are not yet convinced of the usefulness of vending machines in your company, we recommend testing a rental solution, and after time consider installing your own machines.

On the other hand, the purchase of vending machines is an investment that pays for itself quickly, and the solution works 100% well in, among others, production plants or logistics companies, but also in offices. We will be happy to talk to you about costs and possibilities – feel free to contact us.

What are the benefits of vending machines? Health and safety products and others under control!

You can put almost any assortment in our vending machine – from health and safety products (health and safety vending machines), through tools and materials, to hygiene and protection products (hygiene machine, mask machine). That is, everything that generates cost and whose flow should be monitored on an ongoing basis. But what are the benefits?

  • 24/7 access.24/7 employee access to products means that a supply person is no longer needed on the night shift or on holidays. Distribution is easy (clear interface) and unmanned.
  • Warehouse under control. All products, which are a company expense, are carefully monitored. We have less inventory, and the manager has access to distribution information given in real time.
  • Savings of 50%. Employees are given employee cards with which the machine identifies them. So the manager can limit access to products and give a limit on downloads – product consumption is reduced.
  • Simplification of organization. A warehouse with a dispensing machine also means fewer people, much less work, stress or nerves. Inventory is always complete, so you can reduce the quantity of products in favor of quality.
  • Simple billing. Constant access to information, fast logging, remote management, useful reports, automatic sending of statements – all this facilitates error-free settlements between several departments in the company.

Feel free to contact us – our staff will tell you about the functionality of the automats and the cost of investment, and will advise you on the choice of an appropriate solution!


How much do BHP automats cost?

The cost of purchasing a health and safety automat depends on many factors, including the model of the machine, i.e. its size, design and function. Normally, we pay a few tens of zlotys for one product cell, and these can range from a few dozen to more than a thousand.

What can vending machines dispense at your company?

Health and safety products, tools and equipment, supplies and consumables, office accessories or hygiene products – basically any employee assortment and anything that generates costs in the company.

Does the cost of buying a vending machine pay for itself?

Yes, and quite quickly. Thanks to the automation of warehouse management, up to 50% of resources on supplies are saved, fewer people are needed to work, and the risk of product shortages (work stoppages) is practically non-existent.

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